Academic Journals give peer-reviewed articles those concentrate on recent trend and topics with in-depth investigation of particular subject.
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Some selected journals:
Australia art education (1032-1942)
Arts education policy review (1476-8062)
Art and perception (1063-2913)
Creativity research journal (1532-6934)
The international journal of art & design education (1476-8062)
Journal of aesthetics and Art Criticism (1540-6245)
Journal of visual culture (1741-2994)
Psychology of aesthetics, creativity, and the arts (1931-390X)
國際藝術教育學刊 = The international journal of arts education (1728-175x)
藝術敎育硏究 = Research in arts education (1680-435X)
故宮學術季刊 (1011-9094)
故宮文物月刊 (1011-9078)