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EdUHK Library provides access to a wide range of resources for research and study in visual art. Use this guide as your starting point.
"由國立故宮博物院與宏碁公司攜手應用最新虛擬實境(VR)科技,帶領讀者體驗故宮暢銷展覽!透過電子化、數位化,可以讓更多人看到故宮的珍貴收藏國寶,再加上VR技術,更能讓讀者身歷其境,體驗數千年前的生活情境!"--Publisher's website
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"A good picture is equivalent to a good deed" ~ Vincent Van Gogh
Vincent Van Gogh. In Ratcliffe, S. (Ed.), Oxford Essential Quotations. : Oxford University Press,. Retrieved 14 Aug. 2018, from
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