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Visual Arts: Databases and Articles

Tips: Electronic Databases...

Electronic databases provide lists of publications about a particular subject over a specific period of time. Some databases contain full text of publications.

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Research Repository

Browse research outputs from Department of Cultural and Creative Arts:


Art Criticism

Art Education


Hong Kong Education Bibliography Database

It is an annotated bibliography which indexes any research publication related to education and related topics in Hong Kong. Covers books or book chapters, articles from periodicals, dissertations or theses, conference papers, research reports and any other related materials.

Access to Hong Kong Education Bibliography Database

Article Databases

Art & Architecture Source

Useful for artists, art scholars and designers, it covers fine, decorative and commercial art, as well as architecture and architectural design.

Films on Demands

Consists of 16,000+ videos, archival films and newsreels in humanities, social sciences, health, science and business & economics. 

國立故宮博物院 : 典藏資料庫系統

由台灣國立故宮博物院建立, 包括書畫典藏及器物典藏典藏資料檢索。







Other multi-disciplines database:

Academic Search Ultimate

JSTOR. Arts & Sciences Collection

Research Library

Web of Science - Social Sciences Citation Index and Arts & Humanities Citation Index

中文電子期刊服務 CEPS: Chinese Electronic Periodicals Service  

中國期刊全文數據庫 - 教育與社會科學綜合輯

Reference Databases

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Oxford Reference

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Using iSearch from EdUHK Library is a fast and convenient way to retrieve research articles that you need. Just key in title, author, keywords, or other related publication information into the tab below.