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Journal Impact

How to Select Journals

When preparing a journal article for publication, it is essential to carefully consider the target publication. Rather than completing the full manuscript draft before determining where to submit it, researchers are advised to identify the most suitable journal before the writing process. It is more likely to get published when you write for a specific journal as compared to finishing writing and then identifying suitable journals for your paper. We list some useful steps for you when you select journals as below:

Step 1. Performing a topical search on a database can help identify potential journals for a manuscript.
Step 2. The author or researcher should identify key phrases and terms that best describe the manuscript and search for these topics in a database.
Step 3. This search will retrieve published articles in journals similar to the manuscript, which could be potential journals for publication.
Sep 4. Once a list of potential journals is generated, they can be compared using specific criteria or journal metrics. Journal metrics can help evaluate the suitability of a journal for publication.

If you are interested in publishing in a particular journal, or want to compare the subject areas or requirements of different journals, the Library can locate the journal contribution guidelines and other publication information on your behalf.

Tools to Evaluate a Journal

Incite Journal Citation Report -  covers almost all specialties in science, technology, and the social sciences and enables the evaluation and comparison of journals to identify the top ranked and highest impact journals in a particular field.

Scopus - is a major database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings

SCImago Journal Rankings - These are rankings based on citation data from Scopus, which let you choose a subject category and see, for each journal in that category, the average citation impact of recent articles from it.

DOAJ is an online directory that indexes and provides access to quality open access, peer-reviewed journals. The majority of the journals ch do not charge an Article Processing Charge (APC) to publish your work.

Think.Check.Submit - Think.Check.Submit helps researchers identify trusted journals and publishers for their research. 

Web of Science (Social Sciences Citation Index and Arts & Humanities Citation Index) - contains the references cited by the authors of the articles. You can use these references to do cited reference searching. This type of search allows you to find articles that cite a previously published work.

學術引用文獻資料庫 (Academic Citation Index,簡稱ACI) -  是以臺灣地區出版期刊,所建置的引用文獻資料庫。目前提供期刊文獻查詢、引用文獻查詢及各學門、期刊引用數據統計概況分析等功能。ACI中收錄了所有臺灣社會科學引文索引資料庫 (Taiwan Social Science Citation Index,簡稱TSSCI) 之期刊,與臺灣人文學引文索引 (Taiwan Humanities Citation Index,簡稱THCI) 中的核心期刊 (THCI Core),除此之外,還另外收錄了許多臺灣地區所出版的重要期刊,目前共超過400種期刊,收錄年代自1956年起至2009年不等,更新頻率為月更新.所有期刊依其主題區分為19學門,分別為教育學門、圖資學門、體育學門、歷史學門、社會學門、經濟學門、綜合類、人類學門、中文學門、外文學門、心理學門、法律學門、哲學學門、政治學門、區域研究及地理學、管理學門、語言學門、藝術學門、傳播學門。

中文核心期刊要目總覽 A Guide to the Core Journal of  China - 由北京大學圖書館與北京高校圖書館期刊工作研究會聯合編輯出版,收編包括社會科學和自然科學等各種學科類別的中文期刊。其中對核心期刊的認定通過五項指標綜合評估,印刷本可在蒙民偉圖書館查閱,另外,中國期刊全文數據庫 (China Academic Journal Full-text Database) 亦提供「核心期刊導航」。


臺灣人文及社會科學引文索引資料庫 - 內容係以臺灣行政院科技部人文及社會科學研究發展司先前所建置之TSSCI和THCI引文資料為基礎,經由實驗研究院科技政策研究與資訊中心進行資料整併後匯入本系統。

臺灣社會科學引文索引資料庫 Taiwan Social Sciences Citation Index -


中國社會科學研究評價中心提供中文社會科學引文索引 (CSSCI) 來源期刊、擴展版來源期刊來源集刊目錄


中國科學引文資料庫(Chinese Science Ctitation Database,簡稱CSCD)創建於1989年,收錄中國數學、物理、化學、天文學、地學、生物學、農林科學、醫藥衛生、工程技術、環境科學和管理科學等領域出版的中英文科技核心期刊和優秀期刊千餘種。 中國科學引文資料庫來源期刊每兩年遴選一次。每次遴選均採用定量與定性相結合的方法,定量資料來自於中國科學引文資料庫,定性評價則通過聘請國內專家定性評估對期刊進行評審。 參考文件:中國科學引文資料庫來源期刊清單(2021-2022).pdf

Publisher Details and Contribution Guidelines

If you are interested in publishing in a particular journal, or want to compare the subject areas or requirements of different journals, the Library can locate the journal contribution guidelines and other publication information on your behalf.