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Journal Impact

What is Journal Citation Indicator?

The Journal Citation Indicator (JCI) is a metric that represents the average Category Normalized Citation Impact (CNCI) of citable items, such as articles and reviews, published by a journal over a recent three-year period. As it is normalized, it allows comparisons across disciplines.

For example, a journal with a Journal Citation Indicator (JCI) of 1.0 has received the average citation count for its category.

A JCI above 1.0 signifies that the journal outperforms the average, with a JCI of 2.0 indicating it performs twice as well as the average, while a JCI of 0.5 means the journal performs at half the average level.

How to Locate JCI and Find Q1&Q2 Journals using Journal Citation Reports

Step 1:  Go to Journal Citation Reports (JCR), you will find a full journal list under "Journals".

Step 2: On the journal profile page, you can find the latest JCI.

Step 1: Go to Journal Citation Reports (JCR)

Step 2: Click "Journals"

Step 3: Click "Filter", select a subject category under "Categories" and select "Quartile 1" and "Quartile 2" under "JIF Quartile" for Q1 and Q2 journal lists.

Step 4: On the right side of the page, you will see a list of all the Q1 and Q2 journals in the subject area of "Psychology" You can sort these journals by their JCI.