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Entrepreneurship Education: Journals

Entrepreneurship Education

Tips: Journals and Articles......

Academic Journals give peer-reviewed articles those concentrate on recent trend and topics with in-depth investigation of particular subject.

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Selected Journals

Journal of Entrepreneurship Education (Online)

Journal of Entrepreneurship (Online)

信報財經月刊  內容以香港、中國和國際財經、金融、地產、貿易資訊為主,附有各類文化藝術文章。

資本企業家 = Capital entrepreneur ; 資本才俊 = Capital CEO.  集財經資訊和生活享受於一身的商業月刊,訪問不同行業精英,管理高層和企業家,探討市場趨勢及先見、分享職場上和創業之路的致勝之道。