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Religious Spiritual Education: Books and EBooks

Tips: Books and EBooks......

Books and EBooks are good information resources for you to develop fundamental knowledge of a topic.


New international studies on religions and dialogue in education

Ubani, M., & Nordic Conference on Religious Education. (2018).

Spirituality across Disciplines: Research and Practice

De Souza, M., Bone, J., Watson, J., & SpringerLink. (2016)

Global perspectives on spirituality in education

Watson, J., De Souza, M., & Trousdale, A. (2014)

Cover image

Spirituality, education & society an integrated approach

Wane, Nj. N., Energy L. M., Eric J. Ri, and Ali,  A. A., 2011

iSearch : Books + EBooks

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Suggested keywords or subject headings on this page can give you more ideas on your search.

Call Numbers for Different Spiritual Education Subject Areas

Books on various areas of spiritual education  are shelved according to call numbers based on the Library of Congress classification system. Call numbers of selected areas of psychology are listed below:

Psychology - Spiritualism


Psychology - Ghosts. Apparitions. Hauntings


Psychology - Demonology. Satanism. Possession

Psychology - Witchcraft BF1562.5-1584 
Psychology - Magic. Hermetics. Necromancy BF1585-1623 
Ethics - Religious ethics BF1188-1295
Religions. Mythology. Rationalism BL1-2790
Judaism BM1-990
Islam. Bahaism. Theosophy, etc. BP1-610
Buddhism BQ1-9800
Christianity BR1-1725
The Bible BS1-2970
Doctrinal Theology BT10-1480
Moral and religious education LC251-951