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Health Studies and Health Education: Journals

Tips: Journals and Articles......

Academic Journals give peer-reviewed articles those concentrate on recent trend and topics with in-depth investigation of particular subject.

Core Journals

Title Call No.
健康世界 [Printed Journals]  [Online Access] RA421.J45
健康促進與衛生敎育學報 [Printed Journals]  [Online Access] RA440.A1 W45

Advances in health sciences education : theory and practice [Printed Journals]  [Online Access]

RA440.A1 A382
Asia-Pacific journal of health, sport and physical education [Printed Journals]  [Online Access]

GV201 .A938

Arts in psychotherapy [Printed Journals]  [Online Access] RC489.A7 A79

Child: care, health & development [Printed Journals]  [Online Access]

Child and adolescent mental health [Printed Journals]  [Online Access]

RJ499.A1 C435

Health education [Printed Journals]  [Online Access]

RA440.3.G7 H4

Health education & behavior [Printed Journals]  [Online Access]

RA440.A1 H43

Health education research [Printed Journals]  [Online Access]

RA440.A1 H42

Hong Kong journal of mental health =香港心理衞生學會會刊 [Printed Journals] RA790.A1 H66
International journal of health promotion and education [Printed Journals]  [Online Access] RA440.A1 J68

The Journal of school health [Printed Journals]  [Online Access]

LB3401 .J68

心得 = Heartworks

RA790 .A1 X56
心活誌 = Mind & life

RA790 .A1 X564


Online Access

American journal of health behavior

Online Access

Arts and health

Online Access

Canadian journal of music therapy

Online Access
Health education journal Online Access

Journal of Adolescent Health

Online Access
Journal of music therapy Online Access
Journal of nursing education Online Access

Journal of public health

Online Access
Paediatrics and international child health Online Access