Electronic databases provide lists of publications about a particular subject over a specific period of time. Some databases contain full text of publications.
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Hong Kong Heritage Society Archives
The Hong Kong Heritage Society Archives chiefly consist of administrative records, correspondences and writings covering the Society’s activities from its establishment in 1977 to its closure in 1984.
The Frank Fischbeck Collection consists of a number of photographic formats that comprise albumen prints, silver gelatin prints, historic panorama prints, B&W and colour photographs, negatives, slides, transparencies and glass plates, which provide a visual record of the Hong Kong story from 1860 to the 2000s. The Collection embodies a broad array of photographic material covering the vast expanse of heritage, culture, traditions and religions across Hong Kong and Asia.
Hong Kong Government Report Online 1842 -1941
Hong Kong Government Reports Online (HKGRO) is a full-text image database providing online access to pre-World War II issues of four major government publications, namely, Administrative Report, Hong Kong Sessional Papers, Hong Kong Hansard and Hong Kong Government Gazette.
Basic Law Drafting History Online
Basic Law Drafting History Online (BLDHO) is an online database of information and materials from the drafting history of Hong Kong's constitution, The Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China. BLDHO provides free public access to a collection of almost 900 documents prepared or used by the various official bodies from 1985 to 1990, when the Basic Law was drafted and promulgated, and from 1990 to 1997, when preparations were made for the resumption of sovereignty. This collection of primary materials is scanned from documents publicly available in Hong Kong.
It s a digital collection of historical images documenting the Hong Kong experience from the 1840s through to the 1990s. The Database features a wealth of images of Hong Kong, including people, landscapes, infrastructures, villages, agriculture and fisheries activities, industrial settings, housing, buildings, panoramas, and more. Currently the collection contains more than 5,000 images scanned from a variety of resources collected by Special Collections of the University of Hong Kong Libraries, including photographic prints, slides, negatives, and print publications.
Old Hong Kong Newspapers Collection
The Old Hong Kong Newspapers Collection is a selective collection of major old Hong Kong Newspapers published from early Hong Kong to nowadays, aiming at preserving historical news reporting of Hong Kong for reference and research.
Cantonese Online Platform : EdUHK Cantonese Self-Learning Website
This site is created by the Department of Linguistics and Modern Language Studies. It is an unique learning platform is designed for those who wants to learn Cantonese any time anywhere. Learners can choose their learning content based on their needs.
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