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DecisionSkills. (2014, November 11). How to Solve a Problem in Four Steps [Video]. YouTube.
Greiff, Samuel, Wüstenberg, Sascha, Molnar, Gyöngyver, Fischer, Andreas, Funke, Joachim, & Csapo, Beno. (2013). Complex problem solving in educational contexts - Something beyond g: Concept, assessment, measurement invariance, and construct validity. The Journal of Educational Psychology, 105(2), 364-379.
Van Gog, Tamara, & Kester, Liesbeth. (2012). A Test of the Testing Effect: Acquiring Problem‐Solving Skills From Worked Examples. Cognitive Science, 36(8), 1532-1541.
Kozikoğlu, I. (2019). Investigating Critical Thinking in Prospective Teachers: Metacognitive Skills, Problem Solving Skills and Academic Self-Efficacy. Journal of Social Studies Education Research, 10(2), 111-130.