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SDGs - Sustainable Development Goals Keywords Mapping from Scopus: Background Information

Background Information

Since 2018, Elsevier has developed a set of SDG-related search queries to assist researchers and institutions in tracking and demonstrating their progress towards the SDG targets. Over the past three years, these specialized search queries, in conjunction with universities' own data and evidence of their contributions to the SDGs beyond research metrics, have been utilized as part of the Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings.
Expanding on Elsevier's 2023 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Mapping, the company has analyzed the keywords used in various research papers and computed a "TF-IDF" score for each one. This TF-IDF score indicates the relevance of a keyword to a specific SDG goal. Elsevier provides a table that showcases 1000 indicators associated with the most specific keywords for each publication set related to different SDG goals. Leveraging Elsevier's data, we have identified the top 200 keywords for each of the 17 SDG goals - these keywords have the highest TF-IDF scores, indicating their strong connection to the respective goal. Additionally, we offer a link to download the 1000 author keywords at the bottom of each table.

An example of indicators (author-provide keywords) from Scopus associated with SDG 2

Source: Bedard-Vallee, Alexandre; James, Chris; Roberge, Guillaume (2023), “Elsevier 2023 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Mapping”, Elsevier Data Repository, V1, doi: 10.17632/y2zyy9vwzy.1

Why Map Publications to Effective SDG Keywords?

As SDGs serve as a roadmap for creating a better and more equitable world by 2030, it is important to align your research publications with specific SDGs for several key reasons:

1.    It helps ensure that your research addresses the most critical issues facing society. The SDGs encompass numerous challenges that the world is currently confronting, such as ending poverty, protecting the environment, and promoting good health and education. By linking your work to the SDGs, you can demonstrate how it contributes to solutions for these urgent global problems.
2.    It helps showcase the real-world impact of your research. Funders, universities, and the public are increasingly interested in understanding how scholarly work is making a tangible difference. Connecting your research to specific SDG targets and indicators provides a clear framework for showcasing your impact.
3.    SDGs can foster collaboration across different fields. By mapping your research to the goals, you may uncover unexpected connections and opportunities to collaborate with scholars from other disciplines to develop more comprehensive solutions.
4.    It can enhance the visibility and recognition of your research. Carefully selected keywords serve as entry points for fellow academics, policymakers, and the global community to discover your research. Demonstrating how your work supports the SDGs can elevate the profile of your research and increase its relevance beyond academia.
If you are interested in exploring the impact of EdUHK's Research on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Scopus, you can refer to this subject guide.

If you are interested in exploring the EdUHK's contribution to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with Scopus, you can refer to this subject guide.