Essential Science Indicators (ESI) is a deep analysis research tool database to identify top-performing research based on the Web of Science Core Collection. ESI surveys more than 11,000 journals worldwide to rank authors, institutions, countries, and journals in 22 broad fields based on publication and citation performance.
What You Need To Know about ESI:
Data Source: SCIE、SSCI、A&HCI
Time Scope: 10-year rolling file, updated bi-monthly
Type of references: Article and Review
Research fields: 22, a journal can be assigned to only one field
1. Indicators
2. Field Baselines
3. Citation Thresholds
The Education University of Hong Kong has six disciplines in the top 1% of ESI: Environment/Ecology, Social Sciences, General, Psychiatry/Psychology, Chemistry, Materials Science, and Engineering. (InCites Essential Science Indicators dataset updated Dec 9, 2024.)
Click the small triangle next to "Institutions", select "Filters" from the dropdown menu, enter the school name in the search box, and find the school ranking in the list.
EdUHK's "Social Science, General" discipline ranks 403th among the 2308 institutions in the top 1% of ESI disciplines. (InCites Essential Science Indicators dataset updated Dec 9, 2024.)
The threshold for EdUHK in the top 1% of the "Social Sciences, General" discipline is 1,926 (InCites Essential Science Indicators dataset updated Dec 9, 2024).
From the dropdown menu under "Include Result For", select:
Click on the blue bar graph to be redirected to the list of papers.
The baseline for average citations per paper in the "Social Sciences, General" discipline for 2020 is 10.39. Therefore, if a paper published in the "Social Sciences, General" discipline in 2020 has a citation count of at least 10.39, its citation performance is at least at the global average level. (InCites Essential Science Indicators dataset updated Dec 09, 2024).
4. After selecting 'Social Sciences, General', the list in the lower right will update automatically. From left to right, it displays the number of research fronts, the content of the research fronts, the number of high-level papers, and the average year.
5. Click on the blue bar chart to obtain detailed information for each Top Paper